Day 1 : 01-09-2020

Basics: Engineering Maths

Today i started on relearning the basics and and thorough thought decided to start with relearing what i learnt for B.Tech, my under graduate college progragramme. So I downloaded the syllabus and started with semester 1.

So i went through the syllabus and found out materials for engineering mathematics and also for GATE and GRE. I felt going through the GATE and GRE would be much effective than going through the whole course.

So upon googling of maths topics, I focussed on understanding the basics and structure of mathematics and understood computer science mostly focus on discrete matematics i.e concerning non continuous values.

Branches of mathematics

Pure Mathematics:

  • Number Theory: about numbers
  • Algebra: a branch of mathematics in which symbols (as letters and numbers) are combined according to the rules of arithmetic.
  • Geometry: about shapes and sizes
  • Arithmetic: operation on numbers
  • Combinatorics: Permutations and combinations
  • Topology
  • Mathematical Analysis

Applied Mathematics


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